Tuesday, November 4, 2008

10 reasons for GHANA!

I would encourage anyone and everyone who is thinking about going overseas to student teach to seriously consider going to Ghana. I guarantee you will have the most amazing experience; I know I sure did. I went to Ghana thinking that I would get some new ideas and strategies about teaching, learning and living a new culture and way of life and share some of my knowledge and experiences with the teachers and students at Christ the King. I certainly did all of that; but I gained a LOT more. I grew as a teacher. I feel that I became more comfortable and confident in my abilities, my choices and my outlook on being a teacher. I learned how to adapt and change plans at the last minute and to overcame obstacles (culture, language, and ethnicity) while my time in Ghana. It is an experience that will be with me forever and that helped me become both a better person and teacher.

Things to know before heading to Africa..
*It is HOT!! Bring cool and comfortable clothes
*Bring ideas of activities and lessons you would like to do with the students.
*Be open to trying new things (especially foods!).
*Be prepared to live a more 'simplistic' lifestyle.
*Bring pictures of your family, friends and SNOW...They all love it :)
*Attend every traditional event or show you can...even church; you will find differences.
*Change your spellings of color to colour, favor to favour (etc.) and learn as much of the Ghanaian languages as you can!
*Prepare yourself for the differences the schools are. (discipline, management, lectures, etc) If you are not open to new things and change, it can be difficult.
*Get ready to LOVE your host family, play soccer every Sunday, help with household chores and hear endless stories.

Good Luck :) You will love your time abroad and upon returning home you will continue to think about Ghana continuously! ...all you will want to do is to go back :)

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