Friday, September 26, 2008

Monday, Sept. 29

It is the end of week 4! I can not believe that we only have three weeks from today left in Ghana...weird how fast time goes by. On Wednesday, I had my first observation by the assistant headmistress. So, needless to say the children were extremely well behaved. They sat in their desks, the isles were clear, the chit chat stopped, and there was not one children randomally roaming around the room. It's so different much teaching can change when you are not constantly begging 10 year olds for a quiet room! haha. I got through the lesson without disruptions. It was wonderful :)

Today during my lessons, one could definitly notice that the headmistress was not present. A class of 45 chatty 10 year olds is such a challenge to control. Once I get their attention it is a bit better, but the minute there is a question or I turn around to the chalkboard, chaos erupts! Seriously...pens fly, children roam, voices scream....water even spills! haha. I used the punishment technique for the first time today. One student decided he would not sit down and listen to me, so he had to knee on the classroom floor (which is concrete) with his hands raised above his head. That showed the others that I was serious. But they still gave me some of their break time so that I could finish the part of my lesson they didn't let me during class. AH....some angry little children! haha. Each day I am learning the importance of classroom management; yet it is such a hard thing to do. When I get home, a class of 20 will seem like a piece of cake! I might even be able to hear my own voice a little bit.....!

On Wednesday night was the school's first PTA meeting. It was scheduled for 5:30 pm so school closed at 2:30pm. They do this so that teachers can go home and eat dinner before they'd have to come back to school. Walt and I didn't know about the meeting until that afternoon, so it was a nice treat to hear that school closed a little early too! The meeting was scheduled to start at 5:30 but you know, we are all on African time!! So we just delayed it a little bit until 6:15. haha. There were SO many parents there. Since it was the first one of the term, they introduced new teachers, board members and talked about some of the things that the teachers and parents want to accomplish during the 2008/2009 school year. Since I have never been to a PTA meeting before, it was nice to see one and what goes on. But wow, they run long. We didnt get out until a little after 8. I did get a chance to meet some of the parents of my students. I loved that. Ghanaians are all extremely nice and welcoming :)

This weekend we stayed in Accra. Saturday afternoon Walt and I went to the Art Center. That is the market where they sell all of the handmade jewlery, drums, bags, etc. Everything is so beautiful that I can not believe it is all made by hand. Auntie had taught us how to bargain, so I was ready to get some good deals. It is amazing how expensive they first ask you to pay, but once to talk to them you can land up getting something down to $2 or $3, when $25 was their first amount. It is crazy, but definitley worth it :) Sunday I started learning how to cook Ghanaian dishes. I now appreciate even more all the auntie has been doing for us. These dishes take about 2-3 hours to prepare. Most even longer....all by the hot little charcoal stove outside in the 90 degree weather! We played soccer outside with the boys for a few hours. Boy was that a workout. I can feel it in my legs and stomach today when I laugh or stand up...they are too good for me :)

We do not have school tomorrow due to a Muslim Holiday. So we are going to the market with auntie to get material and then going to the botantical gardens. Tomorrow night I am finally making tacos and guacamole for the family for dinner! Hope everything is well at home. I looked at the weather and it looks like it is cooling off...while here it HOTTER each day!

See you all soon :)

1 comment:

Dr. Delano said...

Classroom management seems to be going well!